Kacy Stole a Bite of My Breakfast
I can’t believe that it has been almost 3 months since my last post. I have been really busy with my new job. Sometimes I really feel bad that I can’t spend much quality time with Kacy. Gladly today, I was able to spend some great time with Kacy the whole morning.
While I was preparing some soft boiled eggs for breakfast just now, Kacy actually climbed onto the kitchen counter-top to take a sneak glance at what I am doing.
The moment when I went to grab a teaspoon and to dispose the empty shells, Kacy stole a bite of my soft-boiled egg.
Kacy seems to like the taste and texture of the soft-boiled egg. She’s really enjoys “her” (or perhaps my) breakfast! *Giggle*
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Tags: Bird, Bird Food, Companion Parrot, Conure, Kacy, Parrot, Parrot Diet, Parrot Food, Parrot Health & Diet, Pet Bird, Pyrrhura
I was on my way returning home, passing by a void deck where I saw an old chinese man with a Green Ringneck Parakeet. It wasn’t the Green Ringneck Parakeet that caught my attention, but was actually the old man’s actions.
The old man was actually feeding the Ringneck Parakeet with some iced milo (a kind of chocolate beverage). I was alarmed.
I decided to go forward and confront the old man.
“Are you feeding the parrot with iced milo?” I asked the old man politely in mandarin.
The old man smiled and replied in mandarin, “Yes! He (Green Ringneck Parakeet) loves it! It is his favorite drink.” I wasn’t smiling, instead I was worried when I heard this.
“Uncle, please don’t feed him (Green Ringneck Parakeet) with milo. Milo contains chocolate, anything that contains chocolate is toxic to parrots!” I explained to him in mandarin.
The old man rebuked me in mandarin, “I’ve been feeding him all the time with small serving and it won’t cause any harm! Anyway he’s not dead yet!”
The old man was peeved. He ignored my advice and continued to feed the Ringneck Parakeet with iced milo.
I didn’t persist and left the place in the end. This incident left me deeply pondering whether is the old man being stubborn, being ignorant or being selfish?
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Tags: Bird, Bird Food, Bird Health, Parrot, Parrot Diet, Parrot Food, Parrot Health & Diet, Toxic Food for Parrots
Breakfast menu for parrots don’t have to be monotonous. Breakfast for parrots not necessary have to be the usual organic pellets or seed mixes.
Kacy, my lovely Black Capped Conure had a whole grain bread toast for breakfast today! She truly enjoyed her hearty breakfast for the day.
Mum and I don’t really put our precious Black Capped Conure, Kacy on a strict monotonous diet.
We have been providing her with foods like cornflakes, cereals, oatmeal biscuit, whole grain bread and scrambled eggs for breakfast. And, she loves them all!
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Tags: Bird, Bird Food, Companion Parrot, Conure, Kacy, Parrot, Parrot Diet, Parrot Food, Parrot Health & Diet, Pet Bird, Pyrrhura
Deficiency of Vitamin A in Parrots
Vitamin A deficiency is a common problem in parrots on an all seed diet. Parrots generally have high dietary needs for Vitamin A.
Inadequate Vitamin A in a parrot diet can lead to various health problems and affect mortality. Thus it is extremely crucial to introduce parrots to healthier foods that are high in Vitamin A.
Kacy, my Black Capped Conure loves carrots! I am really glad that she enjoys healthy fruits and vegetables, probably because I started introducing a wide variety of healthy foods to her when she’s at a young age.
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Tags: Bird, Bird Food, Bird Health, Companion Parrot, Conure, Kacy, Parrot, Parrot Diet, Parrot Food, Parrot Health & Diet, Pet Bird, Pyrrhura
Kacy The Conure Likes Watermelon
Mum will always prepares and serves up fresh fruits after dinner for the family. Today, we had watermelon that Mum bought from the hypermart this morning. Kacy, the Black Capped Conure got a small serving of the watermelon too.
She simply loves it! She actually gobbled up her serving within minutes!
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Tags: Bird, Bird Droppings, Bird Food, Bird Health, Companion Parrot, Conure, Kacy, Parrot, Parrot Food, Parrot Health & Diet, Pet Bird, Pyrrhura
Are Sunflower Seeds Bad for Parrots
Sunflower seeds have earned a bad reputation in the aviculture world. These seeds are labeled as fattening, and often blamed as the leading cause to serious health problems (like Nutritional Disorders, Fatty Liver Disease, Thyroid Dysplasia and Obesity) in parrots.
We often get advises from experienced aviculturists, telling us to avoid feeding sunflower seeds to our parrots, because these are unhealthy and lacks in nutritional value. Are sunflower seeds really bad for parrots?
I decided to find about the nutritional fact of sunflower seeds. I was totally dumb-founded with my findings.
Do you know sunflower seeds are excellent sources of various vitamins and minerals?
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Tags: Bird, Bird Food, Bird Health, Bird Seed, Companion Parrot, Parrot, Parrot Food, Parrot Health & Diet, Pet Bird
Yesterday marks the day when Kacy, the Black Capped Conure was hatched. 24th January is an important date to remember, it’s Kacy’s “hatch-day”.
Months back when Kacy just joined the family, she was just a cute, helpless baby barely had any feathers on her body. Now, we are celebrating Kacy’s one year old “hatch-day”. She’s no longer the “naked” helpless baby we know, but an active, playful, smart and beautifully transformed little parrot!
Mum and I threw a mini “hatch-day” party for Kacy yesterday. It is a simple celebration, no fancy “hatch-day” decorations in around her cage, neither did we invite any of her feathered friends to celebration, but a celebration within the family.
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Tags: Bird, Bird Video, Birthday, Companion Parrot, Conure, Hatch Day, Kacy, Parrot, Parrot Food, Pet Bird, Pyrrhura
What makes Kacy so unique, neither because of her appearance, her special stints nor her unusual habits. It’s because she also has very unusual “exotic” taste buds!
Other than he usual favourites, sunflower, apples and pears, she craves for noodles and bee hoon (also known as rice vermicelli or rice noodles)! That’s definitely very unusual cravings for parrots, even Kermit and Kiki aren’t any die hard fans for noodles or rice vermicelli!
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Tags: Bird, Bird Food, Bird Seed, Companion Parrot, Conure, Kacy, Parrot, Parrot Diet, Parrot Food, Pet Bird, Pyrrhura